Tag: Wedding

The invisible Monsters

In the next five years and for the past five, my friends and I have been in the phase of life that involves not only our own evolution, but also the fine art of mixing lives together, and hoping that it rises. The heat and pressure of such a thing can cause what you have mixed to fall, or lack flavor. Sometimes the coming together of these unique elements can be absolute disaster, and a huge mess. This is our lives however, and not just a messy kitchen, so naturally it causes anxiety. … Continue readingThe invisible Monsters

The mysterious history of Valentine’s Day.

“In Rome, during the third century, it is rumored that a priest serving under the emperor Claudius II went rogue, making himself a legend. His name was Valentine, and after a law was passed banning marriage in an effort to strengthen the troops frame of mind, Valentine continued to preform marriages in secret. Once discovered, the priest was sentenced to death and spent his last days publicly worshipped by all the young couples that he had helped.”
Continue readingThe mysterious history of Valentine’s Day.